
How Are Taxes Used To Control Alcohol Consumption?

Effectiveness Review

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When starting an effectiveness review, the systematic review team develops an analytic framework. The analytic framework illustrates how the intervention approach is thought to impact public wellness. Information technology guides the search for evidence and may exist used to summarize the bear witness collected. The analytic framework oftentimes includes intermediate outcomes, potential effect modifiers, potential harms, and potential additional benefits.

Effectiveness Review

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Economic Review

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The number of studies and publications exercise not always stand for (e.g., a publication may include several studies or one report may exist explained in several publications).

Effectiveness Review

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Chesson H, Harrison P, Kassler WJ. Sex under the influence: the effect of alcohol policy on sexually transmitted disease rates in the U.S. J Law Econ 2000;43:215–37.

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Gius MP. The effect of taxes on alcoholic consumption: an individual level of analysis with a correction for aggregate public policy variables. Penn Econ Rev 2002;11(1):76–93.

Goel RK, Morey MJ. The interdependence of cigarette and liquor demand. S Econ J 1995;62(2):451–ix.

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Grossman M, Chaloupka FJ, Sirtalan I. An empirical analysis of alcohol addiction: results from the monitoring the future panels. Econ Inq 1998;36(ane):39–48.

Grossman M, Coate D, Arluck GM. Price sensitivity of alcoholic beverages in the U.Southward.: youth alcohol consumption. In: Holder H, ed. Control issues in booze abuse prevention: strategies for states and communities. Greenwich CT: JAI Press, 1987;169–98.

Gruenewald PJ, Madden P, Janes K. Alcohol availability and the formal ability and resources of state alcohol beverage control agencies. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1992;16(iii):591–vii.

Heeb J-L, Gmel G, Zurbrugg C, Kuo Thousand, Rehm J. Changes in booze consumption following a reduction in the price of spirits: a natural experiment in Switzerland. Addiction 2003;98(10):1433–46.

Heien D, Pompelli G. Stress, ethnic, and distribution factors in a dichotomous response model of alcohol abuse. J Stud Alcohol 1987;48(5):450–5.

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Johnson JA, Oksanen EH, Veall MR, Fretz D. Short-run and long-run elasticities for Canadian consumption of alcoholic beverages: an fault-correction mechanism/cointegration arroyo. Rev Econ Stat 1992;74(i):64–74.

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Saffer H, Grossman Thousand. Drinking historic period laws and highway bloodshed rates: cause and outcome. Econ Inq 1987;25(3):403–17.

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Sloan FA, Reilly BA, Schenzler C. Effects of prices, civil and criminal sanctions, and police enforcement on alcohol-related bloodshed. J Stud Alcohol 1994;55:454–65.

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Economic Review

Chisolm D, Rehm J, Van Omeren M, et al. Reducing the global burden of chancy alcohol use: a comparative cost-effectiveness analysis. J Stud Alcohol 2004;65:782–93.

Miller TR, Levy, DT. Price-outcome analysis in injury prevention and control: 80-iv contempo estimates for the U.South. Med Intendance 2000;38(6):562–82.

CDC's Loftier-Impact in 5 years External Web Site Icon initiative recommends increasing the unit price of alcohol based on evidence the strategy reduces excessive alcohol consumption and related harms within five years and has economic value.

The following outlines the search strategy used for these reviews of interventions to prevent excessive alcohol consumption: Dram Store Liability; Increasing Booze Taxes; Maintaining Limits on Days of Sale; Maintaining Limits on Hours of Sale; Overservice Law Enforcement Initiatives; Regulation of Booze Outlet Density; Enhanced Enforcement of Laws Prohibiting Sales to Minors.

The post-obit databases were searched from their inception up to October 2007 to place studies assessing the impact of changes for all interventions included in the Community Guide serial of alcohol reviews: Econlit, PsycInfo, Sociology Abstracts, Medline, Embase, and EtOH (not bachelor after 2003). The search yielded 6442 articles, books, and conference abstracts, of which 5645 were unique.

1) Alcohol Keywords

  • (Alcoholic drink$ OR alcoholic drinkable* OR alcohol OR liquor OR beer OR wine OR spirits OR boozer OR intoxicat$ OR alcoholic rampage* OR rampage drinking)

ii) Keywords for interventions of involvement (assume ORs between bullets) {Target intervention}

  • ((solar day$ or hour$ or sale$) and (limit$ or sale$ or extend$ or restrict$ or trading)) {Restrictions on days and hours of sale}
    • (solar day OR hour OR "time of twenty-four hour period" OR time) AND (auction* OR trading OR commerce) AND (limit OR restrict OR regulate)
  • (revenue enhancement or taxes or tax or cost or costs$ or prices or cost) {Increased alcohol taxes}
    • (tax*) AND (increase OR raise)
  • (social and (host$ or liability or provider$ or provision)) {Social host liability}
    • ("social host" OR provider* OR provision) AND (liability OR responsibility)
  • ((underage or minor or youth or young or teenage$) and licens$ and (enforcement or fee$ or driver$)) {License intermission/revocation for not-MV alcohol violations among underage drinkers}
    • (underage OR minor OR youth OR adolescent OR teen*) AND ("drivers license" OR) AND (suspension OR revocation OR revoke) AND ("non-mv booze violation" OR ("alcohol violation" NOT (driving OR "motor vehicle"))
  • (privatiz$ or monopol$ or ((auction$ or distribut$ or industry) and (ban$ or strike$ or prohibition))) {Government monopolies on off-premise outlets}
    • ("off-premise") AND ("government monopoly" OR government OR privatiz* OR monopoly) AND (sale* OR distribut* OR industry)
  • (minimum historic period or drinking age or buy age or legal historic period or MDA or MLDA or ((teen$ or adolescen$ or young or college$ or youth$ or student$ or underage$ or pocket-sized$) and (enforce$ or deterrence$ or avail$ or access$ or crackdown or ID or identification or compliance))) {Enhanced enforcement of laws prohibiting possession or consumption of booze by minors}
    • (underage OR minor OR youth OR boyish OR teen*) AND (possess* OR consum* OR access*) AND (constabulary* OR regulat* OR enforce* OR deter* OR crackdown OR complia*) AND ("minimum age" OR "drinking age" OR "purchase age" OR "legal age" OR "MDA" OR "MLDA")
  • (advertis$ or marketing or promotion$ or internet or product placement or billboard$ or sponsorship) {Limiting advertizement exposure}
    • (advertis* OR market* OR promotion* OR internet OR www OR Www OR "product placement" OR billboard* OR sponsor* OR target*) AND (underage OR small-scale OR youth OR adolescent OR teen*) AND (limit OR reduc* OR restrict* OR regulat*)
  • (compliance check$ or sting$ or decoy$ or purchase attempt or dram shop) {Enhanced enforcement of laws prohibiting provision of alcohol to minors}
    • ("dram shop" OR "on-premise" OR provider) AND ("compliance bank check*" OR "purchase attempt*" OR enforce*) AND (law* OR regulat* OR prohibit*) AND (underage OR pocket-size OR youth OR boyish OR teen*)
  • (((managing director$ or direction or serv$ or clerk$ or seller$) and (liabilit$ or do$ or grooming or beverage$)) or liquor liability) {Responsible beverage server programs/Dram shop liability}
    • (provider OR manage* OR serv* OR "dram store" OR "on-premise" OR sale*) AND ((liabil* OR responsib*) OR ("responsible beverage server programme*" OR preparation OR program*)
  • (gas station or self service or ((outlet$ or shop$ or bar or bars or establishment) and (density or densities or on-auction or off-sale or blazon or types or number$ or location$ or concentration or zoning))) {Outlet density and zoning restrictions}
    • ("gas station" OR store OR bar* OR establishment* OR sale*) AND (zon* OR brake* OR regulat* OR police*) AND (dens*)
  • (happy hour$ or liquor past the drink or ladies nighttime or (drink$ and (special$ or discount$ or pric$)) { Decreasing promotional pricing}
    • (promot* OR special OR discount OR "happy hour" OR "ladies night") AND (pric*) AND (decrease OR restrict* OR regulat* OR limit OR reduc*)

3) Exclusionary keywords

  • (air and quality) or pollution
  • methanol or methyl
  • solvent$

Search for (i) AND (2), NOT (iii)

Wagenaar AC, Salois MJ, Komro KA. Effects of beverage alcohol price and revenue enhancement levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies. Habit 2009a;104:179–xc.

Wagenaar Ac, Maldonado-Molina MM, Wagenaar BH. Effects of alcohol revenue enhancement increases on alcohol-related disease mortality in Alaska: time–serial analyses from 1976 to 2004. Am J Public Health 2009b;99:1464–70.

How Are Taxes Used To Control Alcohol Consumption?,


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